

The “Vereinigte Eisfabriken und Kühlhallen in Wien (VEKH)” operates facilities for the proper storage of frozen food in Vienna. Due to the operational noise emissions caused mainly by the refrigeration units of the trucks, it came in the past to complaints from the residents of the adjacent residential buildings. convex ZT GmbH was commissioned by VEKH to prepare a study on the current noise situation and to develop possible improvement measures.

For this purpose, the operating area as well as the surrounding area, including the adjoining residential buildings, were modeled with a software package for the noise calculation “IMMI” and the emissions occurring at the window fronts of the neighboring houses were examined. To assess the current sound immissions and to calibrate the calculation model, a large number of short – term sound measurements were carried out under a wide variety of noise scenarios. The sound measurements, calculations and assessments were made according to the valid Austrian Standards and ÖAL guidelines. After calculating and assessing the current noise situation, possible solutions (noise barriers) for noise reduction were worked out and their effects assessed. The permit and execution design of the noise barriers were prepared.

VEKH, Vienna
Noise measurements
Noise study
Noise protection measures

K. Edegger