Andritz AG carried out the conversion of an existing production hall into the so-called TIAC Hall for the installation of a paper machine and other equipment and machines required for paper production. Due to the noise emissions from the new paper machine, an noise calculation, including noise measurements as well as determination and assessment of the expected noise immissions at the boundaries to the neighboring premises had to be carried out in the course of obtaining the construction and commercial permit. On behalf of Andritz AG, convex ZT GmbH carried out the required investigations.
The TIAC Hall was modeled with the new noise sources including the nearer surroundings in a 3D calculation program, and the immissions at the boundaries were predicted (calculation program “IMMI”). A long-term sound measurement (sound level meter Brüel & Kjaer 2236) was carried out to assess the prevailing sound immissions and to calibrate the calculation model. Sound measurements, calculations and assessments were carried out according to the valid Austrian- and European standards and ÖAL Guidelines.
Andritz AG, Graz
Noise measurement
Noise immision prediction